May 17 @ 08:00 - May 18 @ 17:00

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, May 17-18, 2025
Sedona, Arizona
Join us on a journey of spiritual exploration into the lost teachings of an esoteric “Society” of Starwalkers, beings from other worlds, who possessed complete knowledge of the living waters and the angelic human light body.
They were called Guardians of the Tradition, Perfect Light Humans, the Ancient Ones, the Watchers, the Immortals of the Sheath, Magi, Essenes, and Therapeutae.
According to esoteric tradition, they lived in open communication with humanity in ancient times. Then, they withdrew.
From the priests of Serapis in Alexandria to the lineage of the Virgin Mary we will follow their path across thousands of years.
Today, we are experiencing a rebirth of humanity. They are returning and so is their teaching about the angelic human light body, contact with otherworldly beings, and the renewal of our connection to the cosmos.
Our focus will be on their preparation for what is to come. Known as the Elixir or the Living Waters of Isis and Mary, these waters of heavenly light radiate from a divine source that enlightens the body and clothes it in a robe of light.
Priests and priestesses of Isis and Serapis gather for a Starwalker ceremony in Alexandria, Egypt. This is one of many Starwalking schools we will explore. Our aim is to manifest the Living Waters the Therapeutae in the gateway hold.
Held in the jar in the hand of the Alexandrian priest of Serapis (Isis and Osiris) in the fresco above, this mystical substance, the Elixir or Living Waters, was the “lightning in a bottle” sought by mystics from Sumeria to Egypt to South America.
The Isis and Mary priests and priestesses were privy to the sacred contents of this jar.
In our journey, we will seek its sacred entheogenic secrets, tracing a path from the ancient Egyptian Starwalker tradition, focused on Isis and Hathor, to early Christianity, focused on the Marys, and finally to today.
Are you ready to expand your consciousness and follow the ascending path from ‘Starseed’ to Starwalker?
Are you ready to seek, and experience, the Living Waters?
With these Living Waters, we can wash our robes of light.
With these Living Waters, we can open the eyes of our hearts.
With these Living Waters, we can transform our world.
In this riveting presentation, William Henry takes you beyond the myth and beyond the theories and puts actual tools in your hand to experience the Living Waters. This will transform your view of yourself and our world as it opens new doors.
Additional topics include:
The Living Waters and the profound alchemy of the pineal gland.
The Mother Mary and the Healing Waters
The Ladies of the Lake: The Holy Women and the Holy Grail
Mary Magdalene’s Tears and the Living Water
Plasma technology and plasma beings
The Orion + Pleiades intervention
Meditation on the Fountain of Living Waters within.
For over 20 years William Henry has been speaking about the Starwalkers and the Dimension of the Blessed from which they emerged, the Robe of Light, and the secrets of Resurrection and human transformation into the Rainbow Body. Now, he takes his search to another trailblazing level. Please join him in this ultimate quest.
Saturday, May 17-18, 2025 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday, May 17th, 2025 10:00 AM – 3:30 PM