William Henry



In preparation for my upcoming Starwalker Legacy : The Living Waters & the Robe of Light event I am offering this background article.

Recently, I was re-reading Mysteries of the Bride Chamber : The Initiation of Jesus and the Temple of Solomon (2007) by Victoria LePage. She presents Jesus as a high initiate of an ancient Judaic mystery school in Egypt. I have traced the origins of this mystery school to the society of Starwalkers who were known in the ancient world from Egypt to the British Isles to Greece and who originated in the star fields of Orion and the Pleiades. Their purpose is to raise humanity to a higher level of divine consciousness and to link us with these and other star systems.

In addition to the bride chamber, the part of LePage’s discussion that particularly excites me is the one about exousia or the power. Few discuss this mystical Christian subject, especially the church. 

Exousia is a transmittable secret spiritual power that flows through our universe from a non-physical spiritual, extra-dimensional (or quantum) realm. It requires the Way to channel it. Jesus was like a jedi master of this quantum force, using it to perform miracles, signs, and wonders. It was the basis for his teaching and his ministry of love, as well as Mary Magdalene’s.

Before using it to accomplish his Resurrection Jesus taught the Way and transmitted exousia directly to his inner circle of disciples (including Mary Magdalene), empowering and authorizing them so that they could continue his (re)volutionary work:

“And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority (exousia) over all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal.” Luke 9:1-6 

As I will show, this was a secret baptism or anointing performed by Jesus in the Garden of Gethesemene. It is because of this anointing that the first Christians were called “anointed ones.” In the mid fourth century, Cyril of Alexandria explicitly said of the newly baptized: ‘You have been made Christs.’ This is because this oil was the symbol of (or route to) theosis or becoming divine. 

The specialness of this ‘Christening’ is specified by Jesus in a teaching given to the twelve about the parables. And he said to them, “To you has been given  the secret of the kingdom of heaven, but for those outside, everything is in parables…” (Mark 4:10-11) 

Jesus was speaking to Essene initiates who were not only becoming exousia masters themselves, but also were well are of his star child origins, his parthenogenic birth, and his role in transforming humanity.  

The Essenes were a group of mystics who, in the second and first centuries B.C, wove Buddhism and esoteric Judaism, as well as streams of Iranian, Indian and Egyptian ascension / Starwalker teachings, into a profound Way of Perfection.  They  claimed they were living with angels who were teaching them to become angels or perfected humans (meaning more whole, holy, complete and compassionate).

In the ‘Community Rule’ of the Dead Sea Scrolls we learn the Essenes alienated themselves from the rest of society in order to prepare and make way for the visitation of a high celestial being in fulfillment of Isaiah’s call to: “To prepare the way for the Messiah in the desert wilderness… to prepare a people to meet the Lord”.

The Community Rule tells us this high heavenly being would incarnate in order to reveal the Mysteries of Eternal Being…concealed from humankind. At that time the righteous will be rewarded with “healing, great peace in a long life, and fruitfulness, together with every everlasting blessing and eternal joy in life without end, a crown of glory and a garment of majesty in unending light (Community Rule 4:2-13). This garment is a robe of light that reflected supernatural capabilities like healing, invisibility, super human strength and the ability to travel the cosmos.

With his transference of exousia, and activation of the crown and robe, Jesus is inviting the listener into his parallel higher reality, the quantum kingdom of heaven (rebranded today as Source), where unconditional love is the base frequency.  He came to lead us to this reality. Exousia is the fuel for the journey. 

There is more.

Luke 10:18 continues about this power. He told them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19Behold, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you. 20Nevertheless, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

Then, in Matthew 28:18, “All authority (power) has been given to Me in heaven and earth.”

The prayer Jesus taught the disciples was a prayer for the unity of heaven and earth. ‘Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’.

Obviously, such power could not be handed out to everyone. A process of preparation and purification is required to transform the body into a sustainable vessel.  Meditation, prayer, diet were all part of the training. 

Everyone needs this training.


The gnostic and first (quantum) Christians claimed exousia is the power that will protect us against dark forces the Gnostics and first Christians called Archons. 

In Gnosticism archons are believed to be celestial beings responsible for creating and maintaining the physical universe (which has strange signs of being a simulation), and are seen as obstacles to spiritual enlightenment. 

They are often depicted as powerful, malevolent, and deceitful beings that try to keep humanity trapped in the physical world (in the simulation) and seek to commandeer our souls and function as gatekeepers thwarting human self-realization and ascension. They are cosmic toll booth collectors. In the apocryphal texts like The Secret Book of John Jesus gives instructions for evading them.

Some have elevated them to the level of cosmic super villains who rule the earth (or certainly its dehumanizing military, political, banking, entertainment power structure) and/or think of them as akin to the reptilian and grey aliens. (For more of my thoughts please see here.)

Whatever they are…the presence of the archons in our local neighborhood, and beyond, is one of the primary concerns of the Gnostics. The defeat of the archons was their singular goal. They awaited the star child who would lead them to victory.

In Ephesians 6:11-18 Paul tells us how to evade the Archons. 

We must put on of the Armor of God. 

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power (exousia). 

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers (archons), against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

Stand firm then,
with the belt of truth buckled around your waist,
with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

Take the helmet of salvation and
the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.

In Ephesians, Paul is writing to the non-Jewish members of the early Christian church who were living in Ephesus, present day Turkey. His aim was to unite the Gentiles and the Jews in Christ and help them to develop spiritually. Jesus’s message of ‘love another’ is foundational. (T)his love is the mighty power (exousia). Mightier than anything, in fact. Activation of this power force transmutes our bodies into Glorified light bodies. 

I have discussed this ‘armor’ since 2013 in my work, The Singularity Is Near, a warning about Transhumanism and A.I. (tools which, like the archons, mimic or simulate organic life) where I have proposed that each component of the Armor of God is a symbol for a spiritual ‘app’ within us to be activated. 

For example, the crown of salvation is the awakened crown chakra and higher frequency brain waves like alpha and gamma waves seen in monks with advanced meditating skill. 

The breastplate is the open heart exuding compassion, perhaps from oxytocin pouring out from hugging, kissing, and sexual intimacy (orgasm). 

The belt of truth is self explanatory. 

With sandals of peace on our feet we are prepared to walk the Way with our as faith as our shield. 

In his painting, The Light of the World, William Holman Hunt depicts Jesus as the High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek. He wears the helmet/halo of salvation and the breast plate of salvation. 

In addition, Hunt has Jesus wearing a shimmering linen garment shot with rainbow light making it appear many-hued, opalescent. This linen garment of light symbolized the transformed ones. (For more please see my article, “How To Defeat The A.I./Alien Archons“.

The shimmering opalescence is from exousia, which is the energy that, ultimately, empowers the Armor of God apps within. Exousia is (like) the Spirit of God “moving over the face of the waters” at creation (Gen 1:12). At Jesus’ resurrection appearance to the disciples “he breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit'” (John 20:22). It is apparent that exousia and the Holy Spirit are related, if not the same thing.

So, how then, do we switch on the exousia?


The Gospel of Philip, written in Coptic or Egyptian Christian in around the year 270 AD, and found at Nag Hammadi, Egypt in 1945, describes the sacraments of the first Christians and is a primary Gnostic source about activating exousia. 

In the view of the anonymous author of Philip these sacraments were necessary for producing exousia and for salvation. 

“The Lord,” according to the text “…did everything in a mystery, a baptism and a chrism and a eucharist and a redemption and a bridal chamber.” (Gospel of Philip 67:27-30.) 

Chrism is a consecrated or blessed oil used for baptizing (making holy or whole) and anointing. Also called myrrh, Myron, or holy anointing oil millions of Christians around the world have been anointed with it…or some form of it, any way. 

Few realize that Jesus was the creator and purveyor of this oil. I have previously written about this  in “The Rainmaker and the Oil of Joy.” The Chrism clothed the soul in the shimmering garment of light. It turned a human into a Christ on contact. Philip says so:

Chrism is superior to baptism, for it is from the word “chrism” that we have been called “Christians,” certainly not because of the word “baptism.” And it is because of the chrism that “the Christ” has his name…He who has been anointed possesses everything. He possesses the resurrection, the light, the cross, the Holy Spirit. (74:12-21.)

The word chrism derives from the Greek, khrîsma, and was originally the verbal noun (the act of) anointing. It came to be used for the anointing oil or ointment itself. It is traced to the Sanskrit ghṛtə which means to shine / cover. A phonetically similar Egyptian word, karast, refers to the light body garment of Osiris, the god of resurrection. 

The ritual anointing/christening, and clothing (covering) in the celestial garment of light — the karast or Christ garment, via chrism was what allowed a believer to truly be termed a Christian (Starwalker) and allowed those chosen to move past demons and the archons to an eventual resurrection. 

While remaining on earth, it provides authority, power, stability, strength, capacity, liberty and, ultimately, sovereignty.

It is important to note that the chrism of today is not the same as the chrism of yesterday. 

According to numerous academics, the original sacraments were entheogenic…psychedelic medicines, mainly derived from plants and mushrooms, that awakened the divine within. The safe bet is that they were used in combination with the traditional sacraments, such as the bread and wine. However, these too, were entheogenic. 

In his 2006 book “Not In His Image,” author John Lash specifically proposed that entheogens were used to defeat the Archons. This means the entheogenic chrism raised us to a level beyond our present form and capability. This is why a special transformation chamber, the bride chamber, was required. 

Traditional Christianity rarely speaks of “the children of the bride chamber” or to Christ as bridegroom (Matthew 9:15), but to the Gnostics, the idea of the sacred, cosmic marriage was key. While the exact nature of the bride chamber rite is still a mystery, like the original chrism, its purpose was to empower the soul for the journey home. The mystery of the bride chamber  was about ascension. This chamber was accessed via the entheogenic Chrism.

These sacraments were a precursor or preparation to connection with Christ via exousia. This connection took place in a special metaphysical space referred to as the bridal chamber, but which is anatomically the human heart.


This celestial garment was symbolized by the white linen garment worn by the Essenes and other initiates of the Way. 

Symbolizing the white light of the soul, it is the ‘wedding garment’ referred to in Matthew in Jesus’s parable about the king who invited guests to a great wedding feast in the marriage chamber. One of the guests was not wearing a wedding garment and Jesus made the point that, if one is to enter into the Christ realms, one must be dressed appropriately. 

Later, Philip says:

“If anyone becomes a son of the bridal chamber, he will receive the Light. If anyone does not receive it while he is in these places, he cannot receive it in the other place.” (Philip 86:5-7)

On the path that Jesus led his disciples, those closest to him received the secret sacraments, including entheogens, that awakened the natural capacity of the pineal gland to produce oils or secretions of illumination.

Philip says that, in addition to the name, the chrism also provides Christians with another tool to defeat the Archons — light.

“Not only will they (the Archons) be unable to detain the perfect man but they will not be able to see him, for if the see him they will detain him. There is no other way for a person to acquire this quality except by putting on the perfect light… (69:8-11.)

By “putting on the perfect light” — the Karast/Christ garment — a person can simply move past the Archons who would otherwise detain him.  Ultimately, this is the power of Resurrection.

Irenaeus, a 2nd century theologian, further emphasizes how those with the chrism oil on their bodies can evade the Archons. 

In Against Heresies, a work denouncing the Gnostic “heresies,” Irenaeus described the Valentinian view of the chrism as follows — “Now, as soon as the Mother hears these words, she puts the Homeric helmet of Pluto upon them, so that they may invisibly escape the judge.” 

The Helmet of Pluto cloaked the wearer in invisibility and this is what Irenaeus is saying the chrism did, too.

Only with the donning, so to speak, of the helmet of Pluto could the Archons be passed and full resurrection — and ascension — achieved.


Through entheogenic exousia humans can be taken up to the heavens, transformed into a supernatural being and sent back to earth for the salvation of men. Clearly, we are talking about the knowledge of the Starwalkers.

This knowledge is known to advanced civilizations beyond our planet who have been watching over us for millennia.  Awakening it within all generations of humans is the object of the society of Starwalkers on earth. Their teaching runs through the stories of conscious ascenders like Enoch, Elijah, and others.

As I have previously written, Jesus had a close connection to Enoch and the ascension mysteries of the Starwalkers from Orion. Their sign, Orion, is the same as the sign of Son of Man. This sign must be lifted, understood.

John 3:13

13 No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man. 14 Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15 that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”

The serpent that rises is called kundalini in Hinduism and the Holy Spirit in Christianity.

This journey requires a garment of light which is woven of threads of acts of kindness and love and is infused with exousia. 

The baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. An angel holds the garment of light.

Jesus received this garment after his baptism by the great Essene mystic, John the Baptist. Baptism refers to the Essene initiation in which John the Baptist conducted the Light of the Holy Spirit into the consciousness of Jesus in the River Jordan. MARK 1: 9-11: And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan. 10And straight away up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him. 

Importantly, the exact spot on the bank of the Jordan River where John baptized Jesus is the same spot where Elijah ascended into heaven in a “chariot of fire”. As Elijah was ascending in his whirling chariot, he transmitted his holy garment to his disciple Elisha, who carried on Elijah’s teaching. John the Baptist is considered to be the reincarnation of Elijah. In the Baptism we are witnessing the transmission of the garment of light. 

In his article, “Clothing Metaphors As a Means of Theological Expression in Syriac Tradition”, Sebastian Brock tells how 4-7th century Syriac writers claimed Adam’s lost “robe of glory” was deposited by Christ at his baptism in the Jordan waters. “It is henceforth available to mankind to put on again in Christian baptism,” writes Brock. Further, “this clothing or garment of glory with which the righteous are clothed is nothing but Christ himself.” 

Glory (from the Latin gloria, “fame, renown”) is used to denote the manifestation of God’s presence in the Judeo-Christian religious tradition. Glory often manifests as a ‘cloud’. However, in the Jewish tradition the dove also appears as a symbol of God’s glory. The cloud signifying the glory of God and the dove are connected, if not, interchangeable symbols. The primary symbol for glory is the robe. The mighty angels who live in heaven wear the cloud (robe) of glory and they travel (within) upon its wings. 

The glory ‘cloud’ is the Shekinah, the Divine (rainbow) Radiance that manifested in the Holy of Holies of the Temple (specifically between the two cherubim of the Ark of the Covenant). She is also called Sophia (‘wisdom’). Sophia is symbolized by a dove. Shekinah is symbolized by a rainbow. So, fame = renown = glory = rainbow = robe = dove.

After his Baptism, Jesus began performing the miracles, beginning with the Transfiguration or his Metamorphosis into a being of light. Christian art symbolizes this change of form by a bright, white garment of light. “His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus,” says Matthew 17:3. A bright cloud hovered above them (17:4).


The Baptist was known to baptize in water. He prophesied that one is coming who would baptize in fire (frequency, vibration). This is Jesus, the bridegroom who seeks to meet us in the bride chamber to baptize us in Chrism.

Some would argue that Jesus never baptized any one (even with something as divine as chrism). This is correct. His disciples did. 

The reason why is because the baptism in fire, exousia, was part of a secret rite that was performed in the Holy of Holies of Solomon’s Temple. Serving the baptismal medicine was only allowed for pure beings, affirming that a process of human transformation into angel was performed by the temple priests, including Jesus’s brother, James.

As I previously discussed, James was a master of the medicinal oils. He was likely taught by his older brother. 

Columbia University scholar, Morton Smith, points to a key story he discovered in a ‘lost’ or Secret Gospel of Mark that illuminates the secret baptism. 

In 1958, while looking for ancient documents in the Mar Saba monastery library in the Judean Desert southeast of Jerusalem, Smith made a discovery that rocked the academic world: Copied onto the end-pages of a 17th-century book was a previously unknown letter from Clement of Alexandria, a second-century church father, which contained passages of a lost “secret” gospel of Mark.

The scene takes place in the garden of Gethsemane, a garden at the foot of the Mount of Olives in East Jerusalem where Jesus was arrested before his crucifixion.

Roman soldiers arrive to arrest him: “and with him there was a young man wearing a linen cloth over his naked body, and they grabbed him, but he left the cloth and got away naked” (Mark 14:5). Who was this young man? What was he doing there? Why was he naked? Christian scholars are puzzled.

In their wonderment, some have suggested that the young man was Jesus’s lover. 

Smith believed that the young man was Lazarus, the young man who was miraculously resurrected by Jesus. In the well known story, Lazarus is laid in a family tomb. He is there for four days before Jesus raises him to life. In the Secret Gospel of Mark, Lazarus comes to Jesus six days later and stays with him all night, wearing only a linen cloth, “in order to be taught the mystery of the Kingdom of God.” 

Secret Mark says,

They come into Bethany, and there was a woman whose brother had died and [she] approaches and bows down before Jesus and says to him, “Son of David, have mercy on me.” But the disciples scolded her. And Jesus got angry and went with her into the garden where the tomb was. Right away there was a loud voice from the tomb. Then Jesus went up and rolled the stone away from the opening of the tomb. He went right in where the youth was, reached out a hand and raised him, taking hold of [his] hand. The youth loved him at first sight and began to plead with him to stay. And coming out of the tomb, they go to the young man’s home for he was rich. And six days later Jesus called him. And when evening came, the young man went to him wearing a shroud over his nude body. And he stayed all night as Jesus taught him the secret of the kingdom of God. From there he gets up and goes back across the Jordan. 

As Smith emphasizes, this baptism scene took place in the garden of Gethsemene. In his view, the meeting was initiatory in nature. Jesus was preparing the young boy or man (Lazarus) to join him in the heavenly realms. He was initiating him in to the Society of Starwalkers, the Perfect Light Humans.

What is the fuel for the ascension of the young man’s consciousness?

It is exousia.

How is it transmitted?

I believe it was via the entheogenic oil, Chrism, the Oil of Joy.

The basis for my answer comes from the fact that Gethsemane was equated with Eden (located in the third heaven). 

It was in Gethsemane that an angel of the lord descended from heaven, appeared to Jesus and gave him a drink that strengthened him for the crucifixion and resurrection. 

Gethsemane was where the resurrected Christ appeared to Mary Magdalene.  

The resurrected Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene in Gethsemane. 

It was in Gethsemane that Jesus undid the ‘sin’ of Adam and Eve, dissolving the flesh and blood body into a light body like that of the original body possessed by the first human couple before the Fall.

And, Gethsemane was the location of an oil press. The name Gethsemane comes from the Hebrew gat shemanim, “oil press”. Semen means oil. It activated spiritual vision. 

The root shem is identical in meaning to the Egyptian Sem, the title of the priests of the Society of Starwalkers who were masters of resurrection oils and who conducted a funerary ritual called the Opening of the Mouth and Eyes.

More, the Hebrew word shem also means “name” or “renown.” The ascension connection is made in the book of Genesis 11:1-9 when God demolishes humanity’s Tower of Babel for fear that humans would make a name for ourselves, gain shem, renown, and scurry up the ladder to heaven. To have renown means to be famous, but is actually means to be glorious. To be glorious means to be radiant and luminous. Further, glorify means apotheosize, to raise-up, to make one a God. Glorify also literally means to illuminate = to give light = glow ray(s).

Jesus is not usually, okay never, presented as a blender, compounder or purveyor of entheogenic oils. This role is usually attributed to Mary Magdalene. However, based on what I have thus far presented, it is not a stretch to suggest so or that that they were working together to produce the exousia blend. More, it is likely that this oil was produced from the tree of life that grew in Gethsemene / Eden.

In the Clementine Recognitions ‘Peter’ explained: “The Son of God, the beginning of all things, became Man. Him Frist God anointed with oil which was taken form the wood of the tree of life.”

Origen reported a claim of the Ophite Gnostics: ‘I have been anointed with the white chrism that flows from the tree of life’. 

Somewhere along the line oil makers in Jesus’s company, known as Myrrophores, learned that blends could be created for a simply astounding spiritual purpose. That is, they can link us to the divine. Even more fantastically, they can transform us into divine beings.

Mary Magdalene was the beloved of Jesus, probably his wife.  She was his supreme initiate and chief apostle. This is why she was the first to the tomb in which his crucified body laid on a stone awaiting Resurrection. In traditional paintings of this event she has in her hand, or beside her, a jar containing an oil…probably Chrism. 

In my 2005 book, The Illuminator, I explored the research uplifting Mary Magdalene as an alchemist for which the popular thirteenth century French chronicler Jacobus says she earned the distinction Illuminata and Illuminatrix – the Illumined and Illuminator. Webster’s says illuminati literally meant ‘enlightened ones’ in Latin. It comes from illuminare, to light up. 

As the ‘illuminata’, the enlightened, Jacobus upholds, the Magdalene was illumined with the light of perfect knowledge in her mind and illumined with the light of glory in her body. In this case, says Jacobus, glory describes the splendor and bliss of heaven. As I wrote in The Rainmaker and the Oil of Joy  this bliss was produced by an oil in fused with the Name of Christ. 

Now, a name is a vibration and sound affects matter. When Christians pray in Christ’s name, and when they speak his name aloud, they are invoking a vibration to influence matter, to get it to oscillate at a higher frequency. Christ, of course, is not Jesus’s name. It is his title. Christ comes from the Greek Christos, to anoint with oil. Christos is found in 2 Maccabees 1:10 referring to the anointed High Priest of Israel. Later, Christos came to mean ‘messiah’. 

John the Baptist and Jesus had deep connections to the Essenes. The Dead Sea Scrolls contain detailed references to the Essene understanding and attainment of the luminous “garment of heavenly light”. These correspond to numerous references to the metamorphosis of the mystic’s body into a purified angelic or supra-angelic form of fire or light, which embodies or reflects the light of God. This is frequently associated with the idea that the mystic ‘assumes’ or ‘is clothed with’ the Divine Name (Baal Shemit).

By this chain of word meanings we are chasing an oil — the Christ oil, Chrism — that contains a vibration (exousia) that makes humans glorious, shifting their frequency from robes of skin to robes of light to enable them to scale the ladder to heaven or pass through the gate to God.

Putting on the glory body — via the Chrism — is described as putting on a garment or a cloak. It is especially symbolized by a linen garment, exactly like the young man is attired in Secret Mark. 

At first the boy/young man is wearing a linen shroud. He is at the higher frequency of the light body induced by Chrism. Then, he is naked. He has returned to wearing his “robe of skin” as described in Genesis 3:21.

The robe of skin was bequeathed upon humanity after our eviction from Eden. They replaced, or solidified, our original bodies of light that we lost when we crossed over the gate of Eden into earth life. The first thing Adam and Eve noticed upon exiting the gate of Eden is that they were naked, meaning they were in new flesh and blood bodies made of clay (DNA).

Restoration of the “lost” light body comes about through clothing oneself in the garments of “water and fire” (baptism and chrism), which, unlike the earthly garments, prepare the soul for ascent and Starwalking. 

This is what Jesus did in Gethsemane. As a result of baptizing Mark with the oil he has become illuminated and reborn or born again. Like the blind man whose eyes Jesus anointed before he was he him in Siloam Mark could now see.

Following the Hermetic adage, ‘as above, so below, as within, so without’, the Gnostics believed they emerged from a perfect heavenly place. Earth was viewed like an insane asylum where souls came to forget their perfection. Always, the perfect self is present, but we choose to ignore it. Once acknowledged, we begin the return home.

Putting on the garment of light reveals the true self, our Divine Self, and its capabilities. In Awakening the Pearl, I explored the the Gnostic text Hymn of the Pearl or Hymn of the Robe of Glory where the initiate sees in the angel of light which comes to meet him the reflection of his own true Self, or alter ego, which had been preserved in the upper world. In a Gnostic state of mind,  Paul spoke of “putting on the new man, who is renewed…after the image of his creator.” (Col. 3:10)

As I wrote in The Secret of Sion, the Gnostics believed that they who wear the light body constitute a separate race of advanced, divine, humanity composed of awakened and enlightened souls from many time periods and geographical locations. This is the Society of Starwalkers.  Today, we are ready to wash our light bodies, our robes of light. It is the way to enter the higher human realm.

The question is, what is the preparation?

Specifically, it was the exousia-infused Christos/Chrism oil that produced the light body. 

“It is because of the chrism that Christ has his name…he who has been anointed possesses everything…the resurrection, the light, the cross, the Holy Spirit. The Father gave him this in the mystery of the bridal—chamber.” (Philip 74: 10-20)

This provides context for John’s words: ‘You have been anointed by the Holy One and you know all things…The anointing which you received from him abides in you and you have no need that any one should teach you (John 2:20, 27).

Now, I am not saying that Christ is an oil in a jar, alabaster or otherwise, waiting to be discovered in Glastonbury, Denderah or elsewhere, but it is something that we can discover. In fact, legends say it will be returned in the ‘End Times’, when all flesh would be raised up and healed. 

As I discussed in my Christos workshop, we can make or realize it in our bodies. If we listen we can hear it flowing within the living waters (cerebral spinal fluid) within us. If we meet Christ in the bride chamber we can make ourselves glisten.  

William Henry is a Nashville-based author, investigative mythologist, and TV presenter. He is an internationally recognized authority on human spiritual potential, transformation and ascension


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