William Henry



After more than 50 years of denial, sometime between now and July 4, 2021 (Independence Day) one layer of the secret society we call the Pentagon is projected to reveal a shocking truth about UFOs. With it will come evidence that cannot be refuted or refused, denied or dismissed. You think Covid “panic porn” was bad? Get ready for “alien panic porn”.

The countdown for US intelligence agencies to tell the American people, and the world, what they know about UFOs began on December 27, 2020. 

That’s when, with his signature on the $2.3 trillion coronavirus relief and government funding bill, President Donald Trump snuck a stipulation into the “committee comment” section of the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, which directed the director of National Intelligence and the secretary of defense to provide the congressional intelligence and armed services committees with an unclassified report about “unidentified aerial phenomena.” The details are spelled out on pages 11 and 12 of the Act.

That highly anticipated report must contain detailed analyses of UFO data and intelligence collected by the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force and the FBI, according to the Senate intelligence committee’s directive.

It should also describe in detail “an interagency process for ensuring timely data collection and centralized analysis of all unidentified aerial phenomena reporting for the Federal Government” and designate an official responsible for that process.

This means another major UFO disclosure will happen before Independence Day 2021. I say another as things have been revving up this past year.

While the world was panicking over covid, on April 27, 2020 the Pentagon released three short videos showing “unidentified aerial phenomena” — clips that the US Navy had previously confirmed were real. They included links so the public could sing along with the mind blown pilots whose super advanced fighter jets are primitive compared to the craft, or fleet of craft, they are chasing. The craft in these videos behave beyond what is humanly possible to endure and even beyond the laws of physics. Descending from 80,000 feet to 20,000 in the blink of an eye; stopping in mid air and reversing direction without generating a sonic boom; and submerging into the ocean.

Called the Tic Tac videos, the craft appear to warp time and space and exhibit gravity-defying behavior that are not survivable by human pilots.

In August 2020, the Pentagon announced  the establishment of an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force. Beyond developing a new abbreviation that is less loaded than UFO, the Pentagon explained, the mission of the task force is to detect, analyze and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security.

Harry Reid, the former Senate majority leader, said the officially released videos are only a glimpse of what the public might learn about U.F.O.s and other mysteries of space.

“I’m glad the Pentagon is finally releasing this footage, but it only scratches the surface of research and materials available,” he said on Twitter. “The U.S. needs to take a serious, scientific look at this and any potential national security implications. The American people deserve to be informed.”

Former director of national intelligence, John Ratcliffe, James Woolsey, former director of the CIA, and John Brennan, another former CIA boss, have all discussed UFOs in the media in 2021. 

Navy pilots were given the green light to talk about their UFO encounters. Now, airline pilots are getting in on the act. VICE World News just released a report on dozens of recent UFO sightings from Canadian and international airlines.

On April 19, 2021 the Pentagon confirmed that the video recently-released by James Corbell showing triangular objects flying off the coast of San Diego is real.

Obviously, we the people are being prepared.

Something phenomenally amazing is about to happen.

Will the Pentagon come out and say that aliens from a long vanished civilization have been visiting earth for thousands of years and are actually running the governments of our world?

That may not be likely. However, scientists and academics better be doing some research between now and June and come up with some answers. The Society of Catholic Scientists are getting in on the act. It will hold its 2021 conference in Washington D.C. on the subject of non-human intelligence. Conference discussions will provide scientific and theological insights on the subjects of real and hypothetical intelligence, especially extraterrestrial and artificial intelligences.

Everything they think they know about what is going on is about to be challenged. New laws of physics will be written once we figure out how these craft go zoomy, zoom through our skies. New theologies, or real theologies, will also emerge.

At this point anyone who doesn’t believe in UFOs is delusional. Then again, perhaps ignorance is bliss. The shocking truth, or something like it, is coming. It will shatter our existing world paradigm.

There is no going back now.


The media and political puppets, many of them atheists, who lie day after day for a living, will be the ones delivering this once in a human race spiritual truth.

As the mainstream media puppets start chirping on US military interactions with UFOs, and their ET pilots, billions of souls will be left wondering just, exactly, what the #@!k is really going on in our world. (Oh right. NASA is turning us into cyborgs so we can conquer space. Or is it we are being conquered by a cyborg intelligence?)

We can all try to guess what it is, but the truth is nobody really knows; especially, my sources tell me, at the Pentagon. In secret societies the lie changes at every level.

As a long-term, what the media used to call a UFO/ET ‘nut’ or aficionado (I have been studying the subject since 1990, writing about it since 1996, and presenting on the History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens” since 2012), I can tell you some key facts that will begin to prepare you for what is coming in after June:

• You have been misled and/or lied to by your church, your teachers and government about ETs.

• Most everything the average person believes is wrong. 

• Extraterrestrials have been involved in human affairs for thousands of years.

• All religions are extraterrestrial based and are aimed at transforming the human body in preparation for ascension/migration to other worlds.

• Technology has been transferred from extraterrestrials to humans. The average person knows jack shit about the super advanced technology currently being deployed on this planet.

• Your body has been genetically modified by extraterrestrials for life on earth. This continues to this day.

• The end game is our merger with Alien Intelligence, a new version of the ‘space proof’ or ‘space hardened’ human body (less resistant to microgravity and galactic cosmic rays), and our migration into space.

• The Aliens vibrate at a different frequency. In order to talk with the Aliens an adjustment of your frequency will be required. This will be accomplished via implanted technology or consciousness expansion.

• They are watching us.

The ultimate fact is that this is a spiritual conversation. Do everything you can between now and June to expand your mind and open to new possibilities. Have a conversation with your loved ones about our origins and where we are going from here.


The best way in to this conversation was put forth during a recent ANCIENT ALIENS panel I participated in with Dr. Travis Taylor and Caroline Cory. Led by Max Thompson, one of the show’s Executive Producers, our conversation focused on Aliens and DNA. If extraterrestrials really did genetically engineer the human race — and continue to do so today — what might be their agenda?

The focus is on migration to space. We know previous races have experienced extinctions. We evolved from these races. ETs are the missing link in the continuum. 

Right now, the human race faces extinction due to A.I., climate change and the threat of nuclear war. We need to make a back up copy of ourselves. We need to salvage what we can of the life forms on earth, pack up a space ship, and colonize another planet, or two or three.

Ancient Astronaut theory says an ancient race did exactly this when they came here hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years ago. Some of them never left. It could be that the craft we are seeing are piloted by members of this ancient race. They are not the invaders. We are.

Ancient Astronaut theory says that when these flesh and blood extraterrestrials colonized earth they intervened by genetically modifying a primitive human species to make it a more conducive species for mating. Fallen angels meet earth females in Genesis 6.

A slight turn of the Ancient Astronaut prism reveals some of the angels and extraterrestrials may have been energetic or nonmaterial beings who could phase in to physicality. That is, they could take on, or phase into, human suits and take them off at will when they were ready to travel to another location in space and time. No chemical fueled space ship required.

This intervention is recorded in creation myths the world over, but especially in the Sumerian and Egyptian traditions. 

According to the Babylonian Enûma Eliš, the Mesopotamian creation myth, in a quest to create a ‘servant of the gods,’ an otherworldly being, named Enki, the Anunnaki god of technology, and a goddess named Ninmah (Ninti or Nana-Ti), modified a primitive human species (Homo erect-us) by putting on it “the image of the gods.” This primitive human is called a Lulu, which roughly translates to “the one who has been mixed.”

As described in the Mesopotamian tablets: “The newborn’s fate thou shalt pronounce; Ninti would fix upon it the image of the gods; And what will be is Man.” What exactly is “the image” that the gods of technology fixed upon the early human? Might they have been referring to DNA? If so, this means the Lulu is a blend of earthly DNA and that of the gods.

What this means is that extraterrestrial beings genetically modified humans. Humans are extraterrestrial hybrids.

Don’t worry about the ethics of this. We are now doing to monkeys what the ETs did to us. For the first time, scientists have created embryos that are a mix of human and monkey cells. We are doing this to create spare body parts.

This modification included activation of our neo-cortex through the artificial or intentional fusing of chromosome 2.

With an activated neo-cortex humanity was separated from all other creatures on earth in that we know we have an expiration date. We also gained the ability to develop technology to augment our bodies and to alter our environment.

Today, we are sprinkling nanoparticle into our brains that link us with A.I. Strangely, the cat who is doing this, Elon Musk, maintains he is completely oblivious to what is happening with UFO Disclosure. “Honestly, I think I would know if there were aliens,” he told Joe Rogan. Seriously? The richest man on earth has no clue about aliens? Wait. Didn’t he say in 2020 that the Great Pyramids were built by aliens? Geez. It was just a joke. Still, it pretty much sums up the poverty of our world or just how scared Elon Musk is of what is coming.

The question is for what purpose was our neo-cortex activated? To create civilization?  To cut loose Buddha, Jesus, Leonardo, and Jimmy? To have empathy? Yes. However, the overriding reason has do with migration to other worlds. Elon Musk would not be contemplating moving to Mars if aliens didn’t activate his neo-cortex.

One purpose is to ascend to heaven. In the Myth of Adapa, we learn that immediately after his creation the first human, the Sumerian Adam, was taken to heaven. How did he get there? In a craft? In an energetic body?

The story of Enoch explains his transformation into angel during his ascension. Enoch was a pre-flood sage who is among the first humans to be taken directly into the heavens.

Enoch was taken to heaven by the archangel Michael.  At the third heaven, Michael anointed Enoch’s body with an oil that dissolved it into glowing light like that of the angels. “He took me to serve the throne of glory,” said Enoch. The term for throne is merkavah in various texts. It also means “celestial chariot.” This is the chariot of the gods. It is a plasma based “magic bubble” craft that can warp space and time like, ahem, the craft in the Tic Tac video (more later).

Enoch was taken to serve the chariot of the gods or the beings within this space time vehicle. He did not do so in flesh and blood form. He was transformed into a new body like that of the angels/extraterrestrials. After, he too could zip around.


The other purpose for activating our neo-cortex is to serve man or God. 

What does this mean?

There are two alternatives.

On the one hand, it says humans were genetically modified to be slaves and sex objects for extraterrestrials. In this scenario, no matter our race, color or creed we are all property of an unseen, unknown master. 

So, you are telling me we were given our gorgeous neo-cortex, and the capability of being as the gods, or like the gods, in order to serve them food and have sex with them? They could have created robots to do this. We are. More, we are turning ourselves into robots.

Obviously, they don’t need us for biological reasons. If they could genetically alter human DNA, they could clone themselves.

This means ‘to serve God’ has an alternative meaning.

As told by Julian Morgenstern in The Doctrine of Sin in the Babylonian Religion, humans were created to serve the gods food. The gods partook of only the purest foods, offered by humans called baru priests who themselves were pure. The least impurity and the food was defiled. Before one could become a baru priest and perform the holy duty of serving the gods, who they called Anunnaki, one had to be of noble, priestly blood, a descendent of Enmeduranki, a priest. More, one had to be of perfect bodily growth and thoroughly acquainted with his priestly duties. Any neglect of these duties was called sin. Sin was thus the absence of purity. Regaining purity is the purpose of spirituality.

What this means is that “to serve God” means to purify ourselves or to make oneself whole and holy…like the gods. It tells us these extraterrestrials came here on a mission of love and to help us us ascend.


As I discussed in The Lost Secret of the Watchers, rather than worship God, the Essenes are an example of humans who worked for or served God. This service is enfolded in their name, Therapeutae, meaning ‘servant of the gods’. They served God by making themselves holy. I am finishing my book about these mysterious “hackers of the continuum”, as I call them.

A specific example of an Essene servant of God is Mary, who is considered to be an Essene or raised by Essenes. The story of the Annunciation can be directly interpreted as an extraterrestrial genetic intervention. The Catholic scientists talking about nonhuman intelligences intervening in human affairs will want to pay close attention here.

In the Gospel of Luke, the angel Gabriel (whose name means “God is Mighty”) manifests and announces to Mary the upcoming conception of Jesus in fulfillment of 2 Samuel 7.

Gabriel says “And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his ancestor David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end” (Luke 1:31-33, NRSV).

The New International Version of Luke 1:30-38 slightly alters the language

30 But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. 31 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.

Isaiah picks up a the birth of this ‘star child’

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the Throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.

The throne referred to in these passages also belonged to David’s son, King Solomon, who, after being anointed took this throne (1 Chronicles 29:22-23). It is known as the Merkavah throne or Throne Chariot. This is the chariot of the gods. This is what we see in the Tic Tac videos.

During her interaction with Gabriel, Mary expresses doubt about the conception.

34 “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?

35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. 36 Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month. 37 For no word from God will ever fail.” 37  “For with God nothing shall be impossible,”

38 I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.

In Luke 1:35 we learn the child to be born will be called holy.

Holiness is the goal of the Essenes and is considered the next step in human evolution.

All that religious stuff about heaven, angels, and other sheepfolds/worlds worlds is true.


Max concluded our conversation with a reflection on a past episode of the show. There’s a fascinating story that he came across when working on “THE ALIEN INFECTION” episode , and it has to do with a little bug called a “pea aphid.” It’s a tiny, sap-sucking insect that is normally wingless, but periodically, it develops wings when it needs to seek out new plants to colonize. What biologists discovered is that the genes that form the on-off switch for wings belong to a virus, the genome of which has become fully incorporated into that of its host. The researchers suggest that while this is beneficial to the aphid, it is actually the virus that induces wing development in order to spread itself around.

So, the question is, if extraterrestrials are altering humans, is it  to further their own species, just like the virus inside the pea-aphid? And, ultimately, it’s mutually beneficial? 

This question has spiritual implications.

If you substitute the word virus for soul, pea aphid for the human body (a sugar sucking primate that is normally wingless) and plant for planet then it is the soul, not our body, that we are discussing. Like the pea aphid virus our bodies have been programmed by the soul to sprout wings and fly to another world.

If we assume extraterrestrials have souls, and they are altering our DNA, it must have been done so in order to make our body a more conducive vehicle for the soul and to fulfill our evolutionary imperative to serve God by colonizing other worlds.

This is the promise of our times.

The question remains. Will will we sprout wings made of silicon or wings of light?

June may bring an answer.

William Henry is a Nashville-based author, investigative mythologist, and TV presenter. He is an internationally recognized authority on human spiritual potential, transformation and ascension


  1. Ginny 4 years ago

    Thank you for this today. I love your work.

  2. Jenine 4 years ago

    Amazing times we live in. I am sure my imagination is too limited to even guess what 5 years from now will look like. Thank you William. Quite thought provoking.

  3. Alg lee 4 years ago

    Thank you this is major.

  4. James W Day 4 years ago

    Great stuff William. I’m excited for the Disclosure. My hope is that mankind will see ourselves as earthlings and NOT Americans, Chinese or Russians.
    The Nationalism will fall away and we will be focused as earthlings for the betterment of our planet.

    • Elena 4 years ago

      Amen! ????✨

  5. Aileen Thorson 4 years ago

    Eye opening and connects some of the boxes 🙂 Although i see the Merkavah not as the tic-tac but, the light sphere vehicles. They are able to travel through space and time and carry the “gods” . They not only appear in the sky but will arrive in your presence, And the term “fear not” is used because it can be quite scary when experiencing them,even if there is no harm. Our Monkey minds have a difficult time dealing with the reality no matter how prepaired we Think we are! Maybe the Tic-Tac shape is an illusion to make us more comfortable with the concept?

  6. anon 4 years ago

    I offer you a different explanation but I don’t expect you’d believe it.

    The planet was created by ETs. It was then terraformed to make it suitable for living. The terraforming was done in stages with a different set of fauna and flora brought in to replace the ones already placed here. Here’s Paris Tosen talking about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRK4s4BIsAk . Lobsang Rampa also wrote about the terraforming of the planet by ETs in Cave of The Hermit

    Before carbon based life, there was silicon. There’s an excellent video (which keeps getting censored) that shows how vegetation was gigantic. But mirror videos do pop up now and again. The video shows flat top mountains eg Uluru in Australia, Table top mountain in South Africa etc are the stumps of giant trees. Here’s a transcript with photos: https://archive.is/pxrcD . There are other videos around on this topic. I remember MrMBB333 did a couple of videos showing how the contours of a place in Madagascar(?) form the shape of a giant leaf

    There are no home grown humans here. Everyone is the progency of ET stock – colonists, refugees, unwanted psychos dumped here by their race etc. That’s why there are very distinct racial types here – they are descended from different ET races. Humans of millions of years ago look like us now. They found a stone coffin in Russia some years ago, embedded in a seam of coal. Makes it easy to carbon date , eh? 800 million years apparently. It was a Slavic woman preserved perfectly in some embalming fluid, looking as if she had just died. The articles are in Russian so they are not easy to find. Plus it’s also a forbidden topic . Here’s one article: https://archive.is/arreK

    Those stories of genetic modification of humans by ETs relate to what happened after the invasion. The conquistadors downgraded our DNA to make us more easily manipulated. That’s why people reacted so strongly to the movie Avatar. We still have soul memories of what we used to be. That movie is our story but we lost the war. I believe this downgrading of our DNA is against cosmic law which is why they want to kill us all off. It’s the usual motive ie dispose of the evidence

    Truly we know nothing of our history and who we are. The Vatican archives will be made available to us. Not right now but in due course and probably in drips and drabs. This is what God wants because we have to know who we are before each of us makes a proper free will choice of what we want and where we wish to go.


  7. Gene Gerber 4 years ago

    An excellent work. Thank you for this very valuable information.

    The Sacred Scripture tells us of a day coming, perhaps already here, when the deception should be so great that even the elect, if it were possible (is it?) would be deceived.
    It certainly appears to me that we are at that point. Has it already started? Bear in mind that there is a polarization of thinking like nothing we have seen before. Bear in mind also that there are matters much greater than most of us can understand.

    In the early church there were two branches. The book of Hebrews speaks of this in no uncertain terms. There was the literalist church, and there were the elite, or perhaps elect if you will. The literalist won out perhaps greatly owing to the works of Iraneus, and then, the work of the Roman Catholic Church as well. (Although at a deeper level there was still allegorical understandings not taught to the laity.) To make a long story short, there was the primitive church, and then the gnostic branch. The irony is that, before you could become a gnostic, it was pretty much necessary to go through the literalist church first. There is, for the most part, nothing wrong with a literal teaching. But the serious student knows there is far more, and comes to understand that the Tanach (old testament) was written in code, and if you did not understand the code, you were still as some scriptures say, “A babe in Christ.”

    It is highly, highly essential now that we come to understand the code which at one time was hidden from men. As Jesus said, “you hide the keys, so that men cannot come in, and you yourselves, likewise, do not enter in.” No wonder Jesus called them the seed of the Devil, perhaps literally. But today. Today, we must, absolutely must find the code, find the key, (and there are multiple levels and codes) in order to make sure we are not deceived ourselves, the very elect.

    The time is short, and our lives are in peril. We have forsaken the way and therefore have imperiled our souls. Oh, to be awake, to understand. For the things spoken of in the above article raise a multitude of questions! Serious, serious questions. Intense, and deep study is needed to understand our way.

  8. Marilyn Sullivan 4 years ago

    yes this is all coming to the surface,awe we’re warned by good Species from a demention of some sort telling us to get rid of our dangerous nukes.We have good species and address I’ve ones,the aggressive ones are the ones God will let loose from the bottomless pit ,when he sees fit,God be good to us all,we are little prisoners on this earth not gifted with the intelligence, these species have , some live for 4 or 500 yrs.These I’m sure are our ancestors.Who knows oh that’s right only the Master of the universe GOD❤️? Knows that answer

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