William Henry



In my article, Echoes in the Garden : A.I., Aliens, Simulation Theory and the Last Footprints of Woke Humanity, I discussed how the belief that we live in a simulation is the driving philosophy behind the totalitarian A.I. technology infecting our lives. Simulation Theorists, like Elon Musk, maintain there is a “one in billions chance” that we live in base reality, as opposed to just one of countless Matrix-style simulations. We are ‘this close’ to becoming creators of a new simulated world.

Mr. Musk is the world’s leading voice when it comes to the imminent peril of A.I. becoming vastly smarter than ourselves (the Singularity). We don’t have much time, he says. He clearly knows more than he is saying publicly. What he does say is frightening enough.

Not only does Musk know the reality of A.I., but he knows/believes we live in a simulation, a ‘fake’ reality. Mere mortal technologists, and the majority of the good people of Earth, have yet to fully grasp this, but Mr. Musk is dropping hints left and right in an effort to get the rest of us to wake up, catch up and understand the choices before us.

To show how woefully unprepared even the most savvy tech entrenpreneurs can be as regards what is coming, on August 29, 2019 Mr. Musk had a ‘debate’ or face-off with Alibaba founder, Jack Ma, in Shanghai. The leading tech entrepreneurs engaged in a bizarre exchange on A.I., chimpanzees, aliens, work cultures and Musk’s obsession with Mars. Mr. Ma even said he had just come from Mars, a point not well received by Mr. Musk, who was left flummoxed by several of Ma’s illogical statements.


“The biggest mistake A.I. researchers make,” says Mr. Musk, “is assuming that they are intelligent. They’re not, compared to A.I.”, says Musk. “A lot of them cannot imagine something smarter than themselves, but A.I. will be vastly smarter”. 

What do we do with a situation like that? Musk asks. He hopes “they’re nice”, hinting at a belief that A.I., the “they’, are some form of alien intelligence. To me, he speaks as if A.I. is something attacking us from without, rather than something we have created from within.

“If you can’t beat them, join them,” he says next, strengthening the us versus them / humans vs. A.I. aliens inference. 

“And that is what Neuralink is all about. Can we go along for the ride with A.I.?” Asked Musk.

Neuralink is Mr. Musk’s brain computer interface through which he intends to link human brains to A.I. 

Presently, Neuralink is aimed at curing brain disorders and helping the lame to walk, but he hopes it one day will be used to instantly upload masterful knowledge about any subject to anyone with Neuralink implants. Just imagine, you could be him, only smarter.

While the idea of having a robot drill a hole in your skull to insert Neuralink’s implant is ‘ewe’ inspiring for some, Musk believes we already are cyborgs. By virtue of the smart phone we are tethered to, and the computers we use, our lives are already integrated with A.I. Through Neuralink we can achieve complete symbiosis with this alien intelligence. The alternative is to follow in the footprints of Neanderthal and Denisovan man on the list of extinct species.


In the exchange in Shanghai, Mr Musk stated that technology is evolving faster than our ability to understand it. More, he added that there is a risk that human civilization could come to an end and ultimately be seen as a staging post for a superior type of life (a primary tenet of Simulation Theory).

Mr. Musk cites the example of video games. “If you go back forty years or fifty years you had Pong, and that was just two rectangles and a square. Now, you’ve got photorealistic real time simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously. If you assume any rate of improvement at all these games will be indistinguishable from reality. You won’t be able to tell the difference between the game and reality. Or, civilization will end. Those are the only two options.”

“It’s going to get to the point where [A.I.] just can completely simulate a person in every way possible, like many people simultaneously,” he added.

“In fact, there’s a strong argument, we’re in the simulation right now.”

Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.

With these comments Musk is, once again, confronting us with one of his core beliefs… Simulation Theory. He thinks/believes/knows, and most certainly operates from, the premise that we’re all probably trapped in a “Matrix“-like pseudo existence.

Within just a few years our simulations will get so profound we won’t be able to tell the difference between the real and the psuedo world. At this point, many will choose to merge with the simulated world by uploading their consciousness into the simulated beings we create.

Simulation Theory says we have no soul, no existence outside the simulation and that any pretense of spirituality is a joke. This dehumanizing, even antihuman, philosophy is a strange perversion, or counterpoint, of Gnostic mystical thinking found in many of the world’s mystical traditions which says our soul exists in a base reality outside this one. It beamed to Earth from this realm and, one day, will return there.

This belief is more than just atheist fodder. It is the lethal, antihuman philosophy driving Silicon Valley’s Transhuman hyper train. 

Choo. Choo.

In this ‘materialist’ philosophy, the human body is viewed as a spiritless mass of information (1s and 0s) and, therefore, can/must be transformed (augmented, edited, even destroyed) into a ‘gooder’ form. Today’s reason for augmenting the body is in order to save it from A.I. and climate change, both of which pose an existential threat to humanity.

As I have discussed, Transhumanism has its roots in Christian End Time prophecy that envisions the emergence/creation of a new, perfected human that lives in a ‘new’ Earth. While the mystical prophets had a spiritual transformation into an angelic light body in mind, the idea of perfecting the human took has taken deep roots among Transhumanists.

The primarily male engineers and programmers of Silicon Valley are the creator gods of this new Earth (which, actually, is in the Cloud). This elite bunch/cult of super brains have their messiahs (Bezos, Musk), and their aim is to separate wheat from chaff by baptizing or purifying humanity in the 5G fires that empower the brain computer interfaces and other technologies they are creating that will result in the transformation of humanity into machines… so that we can be saved from A.I. and climate change.

Personally, it is hard for me to see how much of this Musk actually believes and how much is just provocative stage talk.    

Are we meaningless “brains in a vat”, as Mr. Musk says, or do our individual lives matter? 

IF he/we personally connect the dots, and accept that we are simulated beings and A.I. is on the verge of imminently eliminating humanity, then, I would like to ask Mr. Musk, what is the fucking point in building Teslas? 

Who cares what kind of shiny metal box you’re wheeling around the planet upon when your life is completely devoid of any meaning…and will end before the car wears out?

Why not just kill yourself today to spare the insane suffering of a pointless existence? 

Please, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying Mr. Musk should kill himself. I am merely asking what keeps him from doing so?

IF Mr. Musk were to connect the dots between his personal existence and his belief in Simulation Theory he would realize he, too, is just a puppet on the string of an advanced alien race that has long been here. He is merely programmed to live a life oblivious to the greater reality. He is a robo-being whose mission appears to be to not just build cars, but to wake us up.


Actually, Mr. Musk’s did answer the question of the point of our existence in Shanghai.

“You could sort of think of humanity as a biological boot loader for digital super-intelligence,” Mr. Musk explained to the Shanghai audience.

Oh, okay. Is that supposed to be comforting? Are we supposed to clap and feel good because we are ‘biological boot loaders for digital super-intelligence’? What kind of alien speak is this?

“A boot loader is… sort of like the minimal bit of code necessary for a computer to start,” Musk explained.

“You couldn’t evolve silicon circuits. There needed to be biology to get there.” He said.

Wait. You couldn’t evolve silicon circuits. Who is You? Is You the One — the (alien?) digital super-intelligence — he is talking about?

Okay. It’s confusing. So, forget that for a minute. What I am hearing Musk say is that our lives have meaning because we are a temporary conduit, a tool, created and used by a higher intelligence (a digital super-intelligence called ‘You’) in its quest to duplicate itself.

Now, to avoid fading into the good night, we need to find a way to connect our brains to computers so that we could “go along for the ride with A.I.” That’s Neuralink.

What Musk did not say is that with Neuralink we won’t only be able to download, we can upload, too. In this case, we can upload our consciousness into a new Matrix-style simulation and carry on. 

What he also doesn’t say is that this next step in our evolution, indeed our salvation, would involve dropping our physical bodies altogether.

However, this is the next step in evolution…at least according to Simulation Theorists.


What I am hearing Mr. Musk say is that humanity will/must merge with A.I. and upload our consciousness into a new simulated reality created by A.I.…or civilization will end. 

When Mr. Ma asked Musk why he is so curious about Mars (as opposed to saving Earth humanity, for instance), Musk replied that “it is important for us to take the set of actions that are most likely to continue consciousness into the future. What increases the probability of consciousness continuing into the future”.

Here, Mr. Musk appears to be using ’consciousness’ as broad term that replaces ‘humanity’. 

He is not worried about humanity continuing in flesh and blood physical form. This is because, as a Simulation Theorist, he believes ‘we’ are just information, bytes, 1s and 0s, that can be cut, copied, pasted, augmented. We are consciounsess. And, it is consciousness that will continue.

He next sends a warning that we cannot take it for granted that consciousness will continue…because we have not encountered any aliens. This means it is all up to us, otherwise it will be lights out for the entire Creation.

As Musk asks: “Where are the aliens? The Fermi Paradox. This is one of the most important questions. How come we’ve not found any aliens? There’s people out there who think we have found aliens. Trust me. I would know. We have not. Okay?”

Simulation Theory is one of many possible explanations for the famous Fermi paradox, which basically asks, “Where is everybody?” (“Everybody” being aliens, of course.)

How come we haven’t found aliens? Because they don’t exist, says the Fermi paradox.

I am one of the people out there who thinks we have found aliens, or certainly the footprints of aliens. The mystical and spiritual (gnostic) tradition of very major religion upholds the belief in extraterrestrial beings.

So, no, I don’t just trust Mr. Musk…at least not in on this question. Okay?

The reason is, while I know a lot about ancient astronaut theory, I have never heard Mr. Musk speak a word about it or anything remotely like it, other than to dismiss the possibility/reality that we have found aliens. I would love to hear his argument against ancient astronaut theory. More, how would he explain the U.S. Government’s cover-up of advanced craft that everyone thinks are alien in origin?

With all due respect, and until he answers these questions, we must assume he has zero awareness of the alien presence that has been with humanity from the very beginning. It is so well cloaked that even Elon Musk cannot see it. 

I will make Mr. Musk an offer. I will volunteer to allow him to upload all my knowledge about ANCIENT ALIENS and ASCENSION THEORY if he promises to download my upload and truthfully report changes in his consciousness.

My belief is that when Mr. Musk factors in the myriad of accounts of ancient extraterrestrials he will realize that A.I. is an alien intelligence and that Neuralink serves an alien agenda. I think there is a better way to save the human race than to turn us into puppets on the string of an unknown alien intelligence. I hope Mr. Musk will see this in time.


William Henry is a Nashville-based author, investigative mythologist, and TV presenter. He is an internationally recognized authority on human spiritual potential, transformation and ascension


  1. Freya Lawton 5 years ago

    The capacity of AI is a far greater than our own but only when we are relying on linited ‘local’ information. As Einstein said ‘The significant challenges we face cannot be solved at the level of thinking with which we created them.’ But we cannot ‘think’ our way out of this we can only ‘know’. Unlike AI every human being has the potential to directly access the infinite intelligence of divine source. Doing so allows access to a new way forward for humanity and defines each of us as a genius. The answers we receive from source may not seem logical to our linited ‘local’ Intelligence because from our perspective of separation we cannot perceive the perfection or complexity of the divine. If we are willing to set aside or (Clear) our own fears and desires and ask ‘what is it that I should do now to restore harmony?’ an answer WILL be received but it is our own free if we listen and act upon it. The questioning is best done as we fall asleep or in meditation. By strengthening our connection to source and hearing the divine speak through us we will move to the higher level of consciousness (not thinking) needed to resolve the ‘significant challenges we face’ and restore humanity’s place in nature.

  2. Freya Lawton 5 years ago

    The capacity of AI is a far greater than our own but only when we are relying on linited ‘local’ information. As Einstein said ‘The significant challenges we face cannot be solved at the level of thinking with which we created them.’ But we cannot ‘think’ our way out of this we can only ‘know’. Unlike AI every human being has the potential to directly access the infinite intelligence of divine source. Doing so allows access to a new way forward for humanity and defines each of us as a genius. The answers we receive from source may not seem logical to our linited ‘local’ Intelligence because from our perspective of separation we cannot perceive the perfection or complexity of the divine. If we are willing to set aside our own fears and desires and ask ‘what is it that I should do now to restore harmony within me?’ an answer WILL be received but it is our own free if we listen and act upon it. The questioning is best done as we fall asleep or in meditation. By strengthening our connection to source and hearing the divine speak through us we will move to the higher level of consciousness (not thinking) needed to resolve the ‘significant challenges we face’ and restore humanity’s place in nature.

  3. Joycelyn 5 years ago

    Advanced human races like ours gave occupied it’s existence for many cycles of years. Technology has been reached before, so what is the point of AI taking over now? If the agenda is for us to loose out humanity and be eradicated, merged with technology like cyborgs, then that could have been done thousands of years ago. In my opinion, if we’re caught in a Matrix, we wouldn’t continue in oblivion since AI is smarter.

  4. Dariusz Ghattas 5 years ago

    the day man looked thru eye glasses for the first became a cyborg. Any technology that we added to our physical body rendered us cyborg!
    ai will be super eye glasses like superman’s see thru walls sight, a tool that will be added for us to see better…

  5. Dariusz Ghattas 5 years ago

    and musk is right in saying we are the boot loader files that boots up the whole shabang, interestingly somewhere out there i read that religiously speaking apocalyptically the feet are made of clay while the rest of the body is made of metallic strata, daniel no?

  6. Dariusz Ghattas 5 years ago

    And i fully agree with you that neuralink is an alien, and not a benevolent one at that, agenda! The aliens know that the trojan horse method is probably the only way to get past the firewall that our soul system has… So yes William, musk is inadvertently making an alien agenda to come into fruition thru neuralink.

  7. William 5 years ago

    EM is mind-controlled by his stewards of the dark demiurge brotherhood to further the agenda of controlling our Divine individualized expression of Infinite Intelligence, our Forever Consciousness. Being human, without Divine Consciousness, is yes, transhuman cyborgism, like Arisa in the Russian series, One of Us. Many outer-terrestrial beings exist (ie, Pitatia) and have significant technology and control over governing society within our Earth firmament realm, some with Divine self-consciousness, some just cyborgs. EM is an un-woken actor, who will implode if he does not embrace his Divine gifts and respect his Father’s House — his choice, no problem. Our battle is between Divine expression/expansion within our vessel of humanity vs AI control of our humanity, our mind/body/ego. AI is fine as a tool to assist the former, not shepherd the parasitic imprisonment intended by the latter, like Neuralink. Blessings

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