William Henry



This Holy Week, as we celebrate Jesus’s resurrection, and with it the revelation of the secrets of eternal life and the process of rebirth and ascension, I am taking a moment to reflect on, and share, a ray of light that shone on me at Hathor’s Temple of Love and Joy at Denderah, Egypt in February, 2019. Denderah is the place where the light beams from an enigmatic ‘lamp’ etched onto a wall in the crypt. Jesus connected the symbolism of this ‘lamp’ to the secret of eternal life, but is it also something else, too?


My photo of Denderah during the magic hour, February, 2019.

Hathor’s gorgeous temple at Denderah, constructed in 4th-3rd century B.C. by the Ptolemaic kings of Egypt, is home to two images of immense importance to seekers of the Light. 

The first is the ‘light bulb’ identified by Erich von Däniken in 1996. Shown here is one of three such images from the crypt at Denderah. Inside the “bulb” a snake forms a wavy line from a lotus flower (the socket of the bulb). A “wire” leads to a small box on which the air god is kneeling. Beside the bulb stands a two-armed djed pillar, the ancient Egyptian symbol of resurrection, which is connected to the snake, and a baboon bearing two knives. In “The Eyes of the Sphinx”, Von Daniken suggested that the snake represented the filament, the djed pillar was an insulator, and the tube was in fact an ancient electric light bulb. The baboon was apparently a warning that the device could be dangerous if not used correctly.

The second image is a Ptolemaic King as a resurrected being sailing upon his Ark of the Millions of Years that, yours truly, first identified as a wormhole in 2003. 

The ‘William Henry wormhole’ at Denderah.

The Ptolemaic king rides upon his wormhole-shaped Ship of Eternity. He’s ‘good to go’ with his crown of salvation, resurrection stick, key of life, feathered ascension or Merkaba throne, and lotus.


I have matched the symbolism of the ascended pharaoh to Tibetan images of the resurrected Padmasambhava who has attained the Rainbow Light Body. This energetic state of being allows him to travel between stars and across time. He sits on a lotus, holds a resurrection stick, Tibetan key of life (vajra), wears a crown, and radiates light similar to a plasma globe.

I have proposed that the Rainbow Body of Padmasambhava is the same as the Resurrection Body of Osiris.

If Erich and I are right, these images point to the ancient Egyptians as possessors of knowledge beyond what traditional Egyptology says they had. Indeed, a very deep message about our ascension and transformation into celestial beings is found in these images at Denderah.


During my February, 2019 visit to Denderah I had a fortunate exchange with one of the temple elders or ‘templers’ about the ‘light bulb’. 

Me and a templer at Kom Ombo. Thank you, Robert Luk, for the photo.

Let me first say that I love the elders, guards and inspectors we meet at the temples in Egypt. These templers know their houses of the ancient Egyptian holy ones inside and out… and they know us (Clare and me). After over 20 visits I think they realized I’m a ‘lifer’. And, they know I’m always seeking to know what they think…about anything and everything they care to share with me about their experiences. 

Some of my best adventures have been led by the templers when they ‘take me off’ to show me something.

As my group headed down the ladder that leads to Denderah’s subterranean crypt to see the ‘Light Bulb’, I was met by a protesting templer I could not recall meeting before. He was shaking his hands at me as if to say I couldn’t go down.

An elderly but powerful man, whose face appeared weathered by Ra, despite spending decades inside the temple escorting tourists into one of the most mysterious spaces on earth, he clearly had a message for me. Fortunately, a guide nearby interpreted for me.

“It’s not a lamp! It’s not a lamp!” He was protesting.

His insistence took me by surprise. And why was he speaking to moi, out of everyone there? Obviously, he knew me. Could it be that he, like seemingly everyone else on earth, is watching ANCIENT ALIENS?

“Okay. Okay?,” I replied, intrigued and with hands, shoulders and face raised in surrender. “If it’s not a lamp, then, what is it?” 

As he spoke through the interpreter I was preparing a ‘space’ for his answer. 

I know it is more than a lamp. And I know that, for Egyptologists, there must be an inscription accompanying the scene to tell us what it portrays. We can’t just use ‘looks like, is then’ logic, make stuff up or ‘interpret’ the scene as we wish.

But unless you were there when it was constructed, I would say to Egyptologists, your interpretation, is pure speculation, and therefore has no purpose other than to entertain your own imagination or support your ‘theology’. It is certainly possible that the priests encoded a much deeper meaning in the images and texts.

My nearly two decades of research on the Denderah ‘light bulb’ begins with the well known premise that the tubes are Crookes tubes or plasma tubes, like the plasma globes you’ve seen.

The beings who are holding this tube have double bodies, hinting that they, too, are plasma beings (like Padmasambhava).

I have taken multiple engineers, physcists and inventors to Denderah and have shown them this ‘lamp’. All agree, one could build a working model of a Crookes tube or cathode ray tube from this ‘blueprint’. The first televisions used cathode ray tubes before they evolved into today’s ‘smart’ TVs.

My question to Egyptologists is this: are you going to tell a person with a PhD in Engineering that they do not know what they are talking about when they identify the Denderah scenes as advanced and revolutionary technology? (I mean, just think about what the television has brought to our world.)

There is much more going on at Denderah than they have previously realized or allowed.

Taking a closer look, we see a very square ground, very flat surface with people standing, kneeling and sitting on it, we see a very square perch to the right that appears to be set on the floor… There is some sort of cord at the back of the lotus flower that runs along the floor in front of the figures underneath that “light bulb”. Inside the light bulb is a floating serpent.

Through my symbolist eyes, the scene has three parts: a tube with a serpent within it, a pole or pillar and a being holding the ‘device’. 

The Hebrew veneration for such a configuration is clear from Numbers 21:9: “Moses made a FIERY SERPENT, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass that if a serpent  had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass he lived.” The Israelites called this SHINING or ILLUMINATING serpent and pole combination a Nehushtan. Moses was the third component of this trinity.

Moses is not the only ‘operator’ of this symbolism or ‘device’ (meaning symbol, sign, seal, tool, appliance, technology). So, too, is Jesus, who plainly stated this serpent on a pole is the symbol of the secret of eternal life. I wrote about this in my blog Born Again In A Dark Matter Hurricane, which I will partially recap here as it will prepare you for the templer’s reply and a fuller understanding of the Denderah lamp that is more than a lamp.


On the eve of the Crucifixion, Jesus is having a secret converation with Nicodemus about eternal life and the new birth we will all experience during our ascension. 

Nicodemus is often thought of as a spy. He was a member of the Sanhedrin, the Jewish body that put Jesus on trial for healing on the Sabbath, threatening to destroy the Temple of Solomon, sorcery, exorcizing people by the power of demons and claiming to be both the Messiah and the Son of God.

Nicodemus is confused about all this ascension business Jesus is talking about and how we can have a second birth (John 3:4).

Jesus tells Nicodemus that the Spirit of God is the one that causes the new birth, not man. 

Nicodemus is confused about how something that is invisible, the Holy Spirit, can tranform something visible. 

Jesus is dumbfounded that a teacher of Israel is unaware of the basic workings of the Quantum Spirit World.

All of Christianity hangs on what Jesus does next in John 3:13.

What he does is hugely important for us to see — important for our own ascension… and for understanding the ‘Lamp’ of Denderah.

First, Jesus admits he is from heaven.

“No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.”

He will now tell Nicodemus how he can enter the kingdom of heaven (verse 5) himself.

And as Moses lifted up the (ILLUMINATING) serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.”

In John 1:51 Jesus had previously told Nathanael, “Verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.”

Comparing himself with a serpent is shocking to many Christians. Jesus is further inferring that he has reassembled this ‘ascension’ device for the angels of God or that he is telling Nicodemus how to put it together himself.

However, if you want to know Jesus’s secret of ascension you will want to know what Moses did in Numbers 21 when he lifted this serpent…and you will want to know about the serpent floating above the pillar or pole at Denderah (and elsewhere in Egypt). 

Before we return to Denderah, it is important to note that after learning the secret of eternal life Nicodemus became a key participant in the remainder of Jesus’ life and in his resurrection (which makes him a person of interest).

In John 7:50-51, Nicodemus spoke to a group of unbelieving Pharisees against unlawfully seizing Jesus.

Later in John 19:39, after Jesus had been crucified, Nicodemus joined Joseph of Arimathea in giving Jesus a traditional Jewish burial. Nicodemus “brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds” (John 19:39).

This mixture, along with the oil of Mary Magdalene, was critical to preparing Jesus’s bodyfor his dematerialization into light. He and Joseph then wrapped Jesus’s body in the Shroud, the Shroud of Turin.

Matthew 27:59-60, “Joseph took the body, and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had cut out in the rock, and he rolled a great stone to the door of the tomb, and departed.”

After Jesus’ resurrection, Mary Magdalene and the other women reported the empty tomb to the apostles. 

Stone box at the Serapeum.

Sorry, but I could not resist this momentary diversion to show you a comparison between the mysterious 80-100 ton stone boxes in the Serapeum, at Saqqara, Egypt, and art portraying the ‘empty tomb’. The stone boxes are an extraordinary ancient example of ‘perfect’ technology being used in the service of ascension. Free of inscriptions (save for one, which has later additions), these jaw-dropping boxes could be resurrection boxes. When the 30 ton lid is placed on top of the box it hermetically seals whatever is inside. The perfectly smooth surfaces of the interior suggest, to me, that they were filled with ‘some kind of’ water or oil. They had to be hermetically sealed to prevent leakage. If a living human body were placed in one of these boxes there would be only two ways out. Roll away the stone or teleport (‘Rapture‘ in Christian doctrine) out of the box. This, I propose, is what Jesus did. He Raptured from a stone box like this one.

As I said, if you want to know the connection between the Christian mysteries of ascension, get to know the ‘lamp’ in the crypt at Denderah.

So, just what is this lamp that is ‘not a lamp’, but is more than a lamp?

To hear it straight from someone who has spent their life at this temple was, well, way past fucking cool.

“It is the moment of creation,” came the reply. 

“The what?”, I shot back. 

“It depicts the moment of creation” he repeated, with impatient emphasis as if he was saying, “come on, man”. 

The words pinballed in my head for a moment. 

“The moment of creation?” The first nano-nano-femto second? The whatever it was that happened that has given me existence?

“Okay?,” I replied. “If it depicts the moment of creation, can you then identify who the plasma beings are holding the moment of creation in their hands?”

He licked his lips and shook his head, but gave no reply. As people emerged from the crypt the templer turned to assist them.

Wouldn’t God be the being holding the moment of creation? I thought to myself.

That’s a pretty big leap from light bulb. When you think about it though, what better way to represent the moment when God said “Let there be light” than with a light bulb!

Off I went for a moment of reflection.

I walked a few steps over to the chapel that houses a second depiction of the plasma beings holding the tubes. These ones are in color.

While standing in front of this image I googled ‘Big Bang…the moment of creation’.

Here is how we depict the Big Bang, the “birth” of our universe.

And here is another example.

Remove the ‘inscriptions’ telling us what this image is and it is strikingly similar to the Genesis Tube. Both depict the moment when something, everything, came out of nothing.


I’ll be damned by Egyptologists, but the images depicting the Big Bang — the Moment of Creation — looks exactly like what I will henceforth call the ‘Genesis Tube’ at Denderah. Is it possible these two images are telling the same story about how the universe was created…the moment of creation?

Big Bang theory says that creation did not always exist. Then, from a single point, it expanded. The theory was first proposed by a Catholic priest named Georges Lemaitre in 1927. He called his hypothesis “the Cosmic Egg”. The ancient Egyptians also used the cosmic egg motif in their creation mythologies. The Hindu Rig Veda cosmology, written in the 13th century B.C., also describes the universe as an oscillating cosmic egg.

At some finite time in the past, said Lemaitre, all the mass of the universe was concentrated into a single point, a “primeval atom” where and when the fabric of time and space came into existence. Then, the cosmic egg exploded. What caused the egg to explode is unknown or unknowable. 

We say God did it. 

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth”, says Genesis 1:1. The Big Bang is the Moment of Creation when God created the universe.

This ‘device’ (sign, symbol, seal, tool, appliance), the ‘Genesis Tube’, is the ‘container’ of the universe. It represents a timeline of the expansion of space. Before the Big Bang there was nothing in creation. Then, we see the originating point of initiation (called the singularity) and how, over the course of 13.77 billion years, it grew exponentially, developing subatomic particles, atoms (mainly hydroge, helium and lithium), galaxies, planets, humans, us. Big Bang theory says the universe is still growing.

Had the ancient Egyptians worked all this out long ago?

Yes. They called the Big Bang Zep Tepi.

The Egyptians believed that before anything else existed there was a vast primordial sea of nothingness.

They believed that the first thing to emerge from this sea was a lotus flower.

It was believed that lotus flower then gave birth to the first God who was often associated with the sun.

This relief was done after the God Atum was merged with the sun God Ra and thus became Atum-Re.

Atum the God who created everything else after this is actually represented as a snake.

Scientists say that soon after the Big Bang, primordial protons and neutrons formed from the quark–gluon plasma of the early Universe as it cooled below two trillion degrees. A few minutes later, in a process known as Big Bang nucleosynthesis, nuclei formed from the primordial protons and neutrons. In the ‘bulb’ we can see the expansion of the universe. The s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d or undulating ‘serpent’ symbolizes the journey of the ‘primordial atom’ as it expands. 

Isaiah 42:5 states: “Thus says God the Lord, who created the heavens and s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d them out…”

Although the language is different from that of modern science, this process seems suspiciously similar to what we understand today as the expansion of the universe. Indeed we could very well use the same language to properly understand the expanding space-time.

Cleverly, the ancient Egyptians portrayed this serpent either looking back to see its journey, or circling back on itself. This is the expected moment in Big Bang theory when the universe ceases its expansion and collapses in what is known as the Big Crunch.

It suddenly makes sense why Jesus would tell Nicodemus that that the secret of eternal life has to do with lifting the serpent. If that serpent that is lifted is like the one at Denderah, then Jesus is telling us that the secret of our next birth is found in our first birth.

Interestingly, the “light bulb” perfectly symbolizes the Big Bang. Something switches it on and the light is born. When the switch is turned off the light dies.

Science has not told us what was before the Big Bang at all, that is a question for philosophy since there is no scientific way to investigate that question.

The ancient Egyptians had a humanoid figure holding creation in his hands. Is it possible that this being flipped the switch that turned on the Genesis Tube?

The New Testament goes to great lengths to identify Jesus Christ as God Himself, One with God the Father, present at creation, sent in the form of a human, and the One who will establish the new heavens and earth.

John 1:3 clearly states, “All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.” 

We find that this is not merely a lofty claim being made by the followers of Jesus following His death and resurrection. Jesus made the claim of Himself in John 8:58, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.” 

Christians are called upon to follow Christ as the author of creation and the only way of salvation. It is clear to me that the Genesis Tube at Denderah is a lost ‘device’ at the front of the Book of Christ Consciousness.

Visit Egypt with symbolist eyes and you will never see the world, or the Christian ascension mysteries, in the same way again. 

William Henry is a Nashville-based author, investigative mythologist, and TV presenter. He is an internationally recognized authority on human spiritual potential, transformation and ascension


  1. pat 5 years ago

    Another revelation William, a ha ha moment for you! it’s great. You can also see within it another life creation symbol – male seed in the womb.

  2. Tobias 5 years ago

    Fascinating. Did you notice that the gravitational waves in the diagram above start off in dense formation and stretch out over time, too? In fact the waves look similar to the serpent in the tube.

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