William Henry



Today is the Christian holiday Epiphany, also called Theophany, a celebration of God manifesting as the baby Jesus and revealing Himself to the world. Jesus’s baptism is also celebrated on this day and was called the “Day of Lights’, after the illumination of Jesus and the Divine Light that shown during his baptism.

“And when Jesus was baptized, he went up immediately from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and alighting on him.” Matthew 3:16-17.

Epiphany is also the day commemorating the visit by the three Magi to the Christ child.

The story of the Magi is one of the most widely known and frequently painted. They follow a star, bring the Christ child gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, and then bugger off.

The Magi were holy men from an ancient secret society I call Starwalkers who possessed the secrets of Christ as an avatar from the stars. Once based in Heliopolis, Egypt, they moved to Alexandria, and ultimately their teachings were revealed by the Essenes in Qumran, the tribe of mystical Jewish-Buddhists out of which the Christ emerged. Parthenogenically conceived by the Virgin Mary, the Christ fulfilled the Essene’s quest to call in a high celestial being who would show humanity the Way to put on a crown of glory and a robe of unending light. He was the Essene starchild.

Scholars like Henry Wansbrough and Thomas Matthews are correct when they see the Magi incident as not a celebration of the birth of a spiritual ruler, but as a surrender of the magi to a newborn supermagician. The Magi brought gold as a symbol of His kingship, frankincense a perfume representing divinity and myrrh and anointing oil that symbolized resurrection. 


Lesser known are the versions of this incident  in which the Magi are not following a star. Instead, they are following a star child (or Starwalker), a light being, who manifests on earth wrapped in a plasma cloak.


The Magi follow the star child wrapped in a plasma orb.

The starchild wrapped in a plasma cloak.

The 6th century Syrian gnostic text, The Revelation of the Magi, first translated into English in 2011 by Dr. Brent Landau, tells how the three kings followed a star child that led them to a cave, whereupon the child morphed into different forms and left them with an entheogenic star food.

Here’s a few pages about this from my 2012 book, “The Secret of Sion” in which I first explored this story.

“According to RevMag, the Magi are said to be both kings and wise men. They live in the land of Shir, which is described as being at the easternmost edge of the inhabited world, at the shore of the great Ocean. (2:4).

They are descendants of Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve, who received commandments from his father and wrote them in books, the first books which appeared in the history of the world (3:3-4). These books contained instructions for Seth’s offspring to wait for the appearance of a star, which would signal the birth of God in human form (4:2-10).

The star appears in the sky, descends from the heavens, the heavens open like a great gate, the light enters the cave, inviting the Magi to come inside (12:3- 5). In the cave, a gate opens and the star takes the form of a small and humble human being and tells the Magi that such a form is necessary for the inhabitants of the world to see the Son of the Father — indicating that this star-child is none other than Christ himself (13:1-2).

Christ tells the Magi that he has been sent from the Father for the salvation of all humanity, and instructs them to follow the star to Bethlehem to see his birth in human form (13:8-13).

As they set out for the journey, the Magi discuss what they saw in the cave, and learn that each of them witnessed Christ in a different form, each of which corresponds to a stage in Christ’s life (14:3-9). Once the Magi have gathered their traveling supplies, the star leads them on the journey to Judea, making the mountains and valleys level in front of them, relieving their fatigue and increasing their food supply through the power of its light, and making the lengthy journey impossibly short (16:3-7).11

When they reach Jerusalem in the month of April, the star leads them into the city. Herod and the scribes ask the Magi why they have come, and the Magi say that the savior of the world is to be born in this region (17:1-3). Having been informed that this will take place in Bethlehem, the Magi again see their star and go on their way, scorning the blindness of the inhabitants of Jerusalem (17:6-8). At Bethlehem, the Magi find a cave, into which the star enters and transforms itself into a luminous infant (18:2-8). The child blesses them and commands them to be witnesses to the Gospel along with his disciples (19:1-6).

As the Magi are exiting the cave, Mary and Joseph approach them, concerned that the impending departure of the star with the Magi means that the child who has just appeared in their house is being taken from them (22:2-5). After the Magi reassure Mary that the child is still in their house despite his continuing presence with the Magi in the form of the star (23:2-4), the child blesses Mary and tells her that his mission is the redemption of all humanity (25:1-4).

When they return to the land of Shir, the Magi tell the inhabitants of the wondrous visions and revelations which they saw, and they give the people some of the food that the star had supplied for them (27:1-11). The people eat the star food, which immediately produces visions for them of the life of Christ, and many of the inhabitants convert to the faith proclaimed by the Magi (28:1-4).

The star food is most certainly some kind of hallucinogen, as upon ingesting it the people of Shir ‘rejoice in love’, ‘leap for joy’ and begin telling each other the visions of what they are seeing.

One sees a ‘great light that has no likeness in the world’. Another saw ‘a pillar of light diving down in side the earth’ and the dead were rising to meet it.

Revelations. Visions. Joy. Glory. Love. These are the words used in RevMaj to described the effects of eating the star food and experiencing Christ’s presence.

In my view, the Revelation of the Magi is the most important apocryphal text ever discovered. As Brent Landau observes, it could only be fully appreciated today. I believe our understanding of the nature of time and space, and especially stargates, enable us to decode this remarkable book.

This story, among others guided me to view Jesus as a stargate traveling, time traveler. He transformed himself into pure light or plasm in order to traverse the wormholes or cosmic shortcuts permeating the universe.

The cave scene, the magi, the shepherds. These were not new themes. What was new was the idea of a shining cosmic child. In such imagery, the Child is conceived almost as a star come to earth. Actually, he is a star being come to earth.”


The revelation of the shining cosmic child born in a cave was also received  in 1380 with the vision of St. Brigit. In her vision, she records:

“And while I remained in prayer, I saw something lying within her womb move; and then, in a moment and within the blink of an eye she gave birth to a son, from whom there went out such great and ineffable light and splendor that the sun might not be compared to it…

And then, of a sudden, I saw this glorious infant lying on the earth, naked and shining. His most delicate flesh was pure from any kind of soil and impurity.”

Also called Brigantia, Brid, Bride, Briginda, and Brigdu, she is known as the “exalted one” or “our lady of exalted light”, she is a goddess of pre-Christian Ireland and a member of the Tuatha De Danaan or Immortals of the Sheath, who I have also linked with the Starwalker lineage.

The apocryphal First Infancy Gospel tells of the Magi and Jesus the Starwalker’s swaddling clothes:

And it came to pass, when the Lord Jesus was born at Bethlehem, a city of Judea, in the time of Herod the king; the wise men came from the East to Jerusalem, according to the prophecy of Zoroaster, and brought with them offerings: names gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and worshipped him, and offered him their gifts.

Then the Lady Mary took one of this swaddling clothes in which the infant was wrapped, and gave it to them instead of a blessing, which they received from her as a most noble present.

This ‘cloth’, it turns out, has miraculous powers. In the previous chapter we learn that in anticipation of the birth of Christ Mary has sought refuge in a cave. Joseph searches for a mid-wife. When they return to the cave it is filled with lights, greater than the light of lamps and candles, and greater than the light of the sun itself. The infant Christ was then wrapped up in swaddling clothes, and sucking the breast of his mother.  When the mid-wife lays her hands upon the infant she became whole.

The Infancy Gospel then tells an amazing story:

4 On their return their kings and princes came to them inquiring, What they had seen and done? What sort of journey and return they had? What company they had on the road? 5 But they produced the swaddling cloth which St. Mary had given to them, on account whereof they kept a feast. 6 And having, according to the custom of their country, made a fire, they worshipped it. 7 And casting the swaddling cloth into it, the fire took it, and kept it. 8 And when the fire was put out, they took forth the swaddling cloth unhurt, as much as if the fire had not touched it. 9 Then they began to kiss it, and put it upon their heads and their eyes, saying, This is certainly an undoubted truth, and it is really surprising that the fire could not burn it, and consume it. 10 Then they took it, and with the greatest respect laid it up among their treasures.

What kind of garment can not be burned? The sheath of the immortals. The cloak of the illumined ones. The Robe of the Soul.

In the Infancy Gospel readers will witness the young Jesus performing incredible feats, such as healing the sick, raising the dead, and calming storms with a word. They will also encounter a young boy who challenges the religious establishment of his day, with his wisdom and insights into the nature of God.

Interestingly, Brigid is considered the foster-mother of Christ. Oral legends says she few like an angel from Iona to become a midwife to Mary as Jesus was born. This further meant that she was one of his spiritual teachers, a fact that is acknowledged in her title, “Lady of the Mantle,” for wrapping Jesus in his holy mantle or garment of light.

Her title, exalted one,” is the same as the Aramaic maga-dala, meaning “elevated, magnificent, tower”. The Latin maga is a female magician. This is the title of Mary Magdalene, the initiator of Christos and the Bride of Christ. She was also the one who helped him produce the star food during the first Communion.


Join me for a deep dive into the mysteries of the star food of Jesus, the Starwalker, during my Starwalker : Communion event in Nashville, TN April 5-6, 2025.


William Henry is a Nashville-based author, investigative mythologist, and TV presenter. He is an internationally recognized authority on human spiritual potential, transformation and ascension


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